Tag Archives: elephant in the room

The elephant in the room…could it be ME?


It’s there, but it just kind of blends in with life!

Oh, the blessed elephant.  I wonder if this lady realizes everyone else can actually SEE the elephant?!  She’s tried so hard to continue on with life as though it’s nonexistant.  She’s probably wondered what in the world she’s doing wrong to cause it.  Yet not quite knowing how to deal with it, she neatly disguises it to just fit in with the rest of her life. PROBLEM?  It probably is noisy, it stinks, and it takes up the room that she should be using to do other things in!  Ah, now this is a photo I can relate to.  No matter how neatly you package the issues in your life, I promise you there’s SOMEONE out there who actually sees the elephant for what it is.  In my own life, I wonder who it is and what he/she sees.  Then I realize, it doesn’t matter because God sees it all.   It’s easy to become convinced that He doesn’t care, doesn’t notice, or that you’re just imagining the situation.  But ultimately, He sees it all.  He cares.  He notices.

My elephant has been in my living room for so long I’m not even really sure exactly what it looks like anymore!  It’s neatly packaged, strategically placed, and meticulously groomed to just fit right in to life as though it belongs there.   As a child of God, we are created in His image.  He never intended us to change ourselves, our environments, our plans, our goals, or the “decor” that makes up our life to fit around a proverbial elephant!  If we make changes, it should be to fit around His plan for us and according to His direction.  He never intended us to shrink down and let something else take center stage in our own life.  He’s prepared the stage for us, and we are to be performing before an audience of One.  How can we dance before Him in this life if we’re sharing the stage with our elephant!?

What is your elephant?  Mine is big.  Mammothly big!  I think it’s time to start stripping wallpaper.